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5 Keys to Publishing Your Book

5 Keys to Publish Your Book

Have you ever wondered why traditional publishing takes so long? Or why your self-publishing date may need to be extended? In our fast-paced, instant gratification world, looking at a lengthy publishing timeline may seem daunting. 

Here are five needed keys to publish your book with success. 

1. WRITING: It's hard work.

You have an amazing topic or testimony that you are ready to share with the world. But as you pull out your computer, you realize that the words don’t just appear. Writing takes discipline, consistency and focus.

Here are some practical ways to help you engage:

  • Do a writing sprint. Set your timer for fifteen minutes and get out as many words as you can. These may help you make a daily writing goal. 
  • Feeling stuck? Stand up and stretch, go on a walk, or fold that laundry that keeps bugging you. Sometimes those simple actions will jog your brain cells.
  • Read these articles: 

2. EDITING: This is a necessary evil BLESSING when you publish a book. 

It takes time to correct mistakes, adjust concepts and smooth out the edges. Most books take form during the 3rd or 4th pass through. Whether you publish independently or traditionally, an editor is a valuable resource.

Things to remember:

  • Books are very rarely finished in the first draft.
  • Outside edits and beta-readers will help your book succeed. This is imperative, even if you independently publish your book. And this will happen multiple times if you get a traditional contract.
  • Editing may include developmental, line, mechanical and more. Don’t rush the process. These edits help your book shine.

3. PLATFORM: Building a platform protects you when you publish a book.

One of the best uses of your time before publication is to make sure you are building an authentic, engaging platform. Many of us shudder from that word but it’s not meant to be a hindrance. Your combined platform shows there are people engaged in what you have to say.

Ways to build your platform:

  • Start an email list
  • Speak live on social media
  • Submit blog posts to online websites.
  • Book speaking engagements
  • Network through online groups and coaching like Called Creatives. 

4. FORMATTING: Details, Designs and Deadlines.

Once you write the words and have them edited, there is more to do to get your manuscript into book form. There are some areas that can’t be done before the other so deadlines are important.

Here are just a few of the components that need to be implemented for your book:

  • Book’s trim size
  • Determining page count (affects spine size)
  • Designing book cover
  • Formatting books interior
  • Proofreading advanced copies

5. MARKETING: Promotion matters when you publish a book. 

As hard as you work to write your book, you don’t want it to enter into the world without anyone knowing it exists. A traditional publishing house will partner with the author to implement a plan many months in advance. And if you publish independently, being intentional about your book launch will set it up for better success.

Here are some initial ways to promote:

  • Share with your email list
  • Promote on social media
  • Engage with blog tours, podcasts and other
  • Create a lead magnet involving your book. 
  • Start a launch team.
  • Purchase ads through facebook, amazon or the most effective avenue for your book. 

Ultimately, as Called Creatives, not only do we need to embrace the journey, but we also need to trust God’s timing. The time it takes to publish a book is not intended to dissuade you but positions you to release your book with intention. Understanding the process will alleviate discouragement and encourage you to keep moving forward to publishing your book. 

Do you need more help with the book publishing process? At Called Creatives, we help women like you write and speak with influence and impact. Join us for access to additional topics, exclusive training and connection opportunities. Our content is specifically cultivated to help you succeed in whatever form your calling takes. 


We hope these tips help you make the best decisions for your career! 

At Called Creatives our desire is to help women like you write and speak with influence and impact. Join us for access to additional topics, exclusive training and connection opportunities. Our content is specifically cultivated to help you succeed in whatever form your calling takes. 

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